Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Elder Bellomy Trivia.

No photos from Elder Bellomy. He promised again this week that he'd send some. He didn't come through. I guess he can't email photos. I'm tired of these posts NOT having any photos. So...I am making up a pretense to include a photo. Eldrew trivia!

Did you know that before his mission Eldrew was in the original 'High School Musical' movie as an extra in the bleachers in one of the scenes?

It is true. If you squint really hard in a scene with a crowd of students you can see Eldrew. He earned $50. The interesting part is that he was offered a bit part to be a basketball player on the opposing team in the basket ball scene. He turned them down because he didn't think he'd go a good job.

There you go. A photo and some Eldrew trivia.

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