Monday, June 13, 2011

Historic Mission Milestone: Mother's Day call.

We reached a milestone. The Last call from Eldrew on his mission. On LDS missions, the Elders are generally allowed four calls over the two years — each Christmas and each Mother's Day.

This was the last of those calls for Eldrew. He will be home before Christmas. In fact, he will be home on September 6th. It is hard to not start counting the days.

The call was great. Mom, Dad, brother, sisters, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and little baby Preston all gathered at our house for our 40 minute call.

As usual, the call went fast. And as usual, Eldrew was giving us time checks as to how much time we had. (the kids obeys all the mission rules.)

Susan wanted to use a phone we have down stairs in the basement. It has a good speaker on it. So, right before the call, I tried moving the phone upstairs and messed something up. None of the phones in the house worked. After several paniced minutes, we got the phone working for Eldrew's call.

It was GREAT to hear his happy, relaxed voice. It is so funny how he sounds the same, yet so different. His usual humor came shining through.

We talke of mission, his companion, what he is doing, and who he is teaching. We had tender moments of expressing our love for each other. The one subject we stayed away from is discussing him coming home in a few months.

In a few minutes, our milestone was over. Eldrew had to go. We miss him a lot. But it was good to hear his voice. Knowing that we will see him in a few months makes it all the better.

Happy Mother's Day Elder Bellomy. The gift of your spirit and voice was a great present for Susan!

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