Sunday, May 1, 2011

Busy boy II.

Well...we sort of got after Eldrew in our email this week about the short letters and/or no letters. His big sister Elizabeth also sent him an email complaining. Her email included a sample email from another missionary that is very newsy and much longer than Eldrew's emails typically are. This resulted in this very, very long email home this week.
I'm sorry! It makes me feel terrible hear that my emails are too scanty in details, but I am so void of time that long emails aren't possible. This week is no exception. As you can see it is 5 o'clock our time and p day ends at 5, we still have a few more projects to get done. I haven't had a p-day in a long time. I love ya'll and hope you can forgive me for these week emails. I am doing well and the creditable coverage letter should be coming. They said they would mail it. Love ya'll!

But, you can tell that he is working hard. If he doesn't have a formal "P" day...then he is a very, very busy missionary. LDS missionaries typically get one day a week to take a break. Break is a relative concept for missionaries. The "Prep" day is for doing laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, letter writing, reports, etc. On my mission (back in the dawn of time) missionaires had until about 5pm for prep day. That allowed some time for sight seeing or gathering with other missionaries to hang out. My impression now is that you have more of a Prep morning to get everything done. Even at that, Eldrew has so many tasks that they are giving up what little time they have to devote to getting the work done.

All I can say is, "keep up the good work Elder!"

We love Eldrew. For me (his Dad) his letters and occasional lack of a letter is just fine. I consider his mission an opportunity of a life time and is about working hard and serving the Lord. My teasing about long letters is just that — teasing. Others in the family...not so much. Long letters or short, he will get the chance to tell us all about his mission when he gets home. In the meantime, we know that he is healthy and happy.

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